Mathematics Education Students Win Best Bachelor Graduates Degree in the November 2019 Period

Ratu Farisa Fatonah when the FKIP Pin Embedding symbolically signifies being an FKIP alumni and joining the FKIP Unila Alumni Association (source: Instagram @fipunila)

Ratu Farisa Fatonah, a student of Mathematics Education at Unila FKIP 2015 won the best S1 Judisium for the November 2019 Period.

This was conveyed by the dean of FKIP Unila, Dr. Riswanti Rini, M. Si. in the event which was held on November 21, 2019. Quoted from the FKIP Unila Instagram @fipunila,

Dr. In his address Riswanti Rini, M.Si revealed that the best bachelor degree participant was won by Ratu Farisa Patonah, a mathematics education study program with a GPA of 3.66 with praise (cum laude) …